Kamis, 07 Juni 2012



is a type of eye diseases characterized by the existence of such a cloud of white stains on the lens of the eye. Cataract is the clouding that occurs in all or part of the eye lens. In the normal eye lens contains a lot of water and sufficient oxygen supply, so that light can penetrate it easily. New cells in the lens of the eye will always be formed. Many factors led to the area in the lens becomes opaque, hard, rough and solid. Abnormal eye lens can not forward light into the eye's retina to be processed and sent back through the optic nerve to the brain.


Cataract patients suffered in many countries such as Indonesia has a tropical climate, even in Indonesia itself cataract patients have reached 2 million people and will continue to grow 240 000 inhabitants per year. Cataract is one of the eye disease that can cause permanent blindness. This is supported by the age factor, the radiation of ultraviolet rays, lack of nutrition and vitamins as well as the factors of health and illness.
According to data obtained by the eyes of cataract patients is most prevalent at the time a person enters old age, that more than 90% of those aged 65 years or older suffer from cataracts, and around 55% of those aged 75-85 years of age has decreased the ability of vision resulting from cataract symptoms .

#signs & symptoms

Many people with cataracts do not realize that he was experiencing symptoms of eye disease or even cataracts. Symptoms in cataract runs so slowly but surely someone will make the vision is blurred or even lost. The new person will know and realize, if the cataract has entered the final stage after 3-5 years later.At first cataract patients experienced some minor problems such as eye diseases such as itchy eyes, watery eyes often, if at night the eyes begin to weaken and could not see and can not withstand the glare of light or direct contact with the light, the eyes and head will immediately felt sick. Gradually, the eye will show a white spot on the center of the lens of the eye, though not completely cover the lens of the eye, or cataracts white stain will cover the lens of the eye when entering the declared end-stage cataracts or severe. Cataract patients will lose the ability of the vision.Symptoms or signs of common disorders of eye cataracts, including:1. Eye or vision vague or not clearly visible and is unable to see or read the object2. Sensitive to the light beam or beams3. If you see a light object or objects with one eye only, or a light object looks like a double / double.4. Required lighting is bright enough to be able to read and see5. The lens is perceived as opaque or as glass milkCataracts do not only occur in the elderly alone, cataracts can also develop in infants because the mother is infected during pregnancy.Other causes are:1. Heredity2. Congenital defects.3. Health problems such as diabetes were identified.4. Use of certain medications, especially steroids.5. Eyes unprotected sun exposure in a long time.6. Had done the previous eye surgery7. Have experienced trauma due to accidents on the surrounding parts of the eye


Cataract is divided into several types:A. Senile cataract (aging).the cataracts that arise after age 40 years, the process is not known, presumably because of aging.2. Congenital cataracts.the cataracts that arise or occur in the womb after birth, usually caused by an infection, and metabolic abnormalities at the time of formation of the fetus. Congenital cataracts that often arise from infections during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy.3. Traumatika cataracts.the cataract which can affect all ages, usually because of post-traumatic both sharp and blunt on the eyes, especially on the lens.
4. Complicated cataract, was that arise post-cataract eye infection.

#Cataract Treatment

Cataract surgery can be overcome by making the lens is cloudy. There are several surgical techniques are performed at the Hospital, namely: Surgery with wide slices with conventional sutures and a small incision without sutures lens is removed by means Phaceomulsifikasi (small incision surgery).Selection of surgical technique depends on the lens of violence. After the cataract lens is taken, the patient could only count fingers at a distance of 1 meter, unless the patient is replaced lens.Replacement of the lens there are two ways:• Patients after surgery were positive eyeglasses or contact lenses• People with a lens mounted at the same time plant operation, the benefits of patients after surgery the patient is immediately able to see clearly, do not need to wear very thick glasses, the patient remained wide field of view and beam distortion can be eliminated.

note: Medically to treat cataracts is with surgery by a layer of the eye lens is removed and replaced with new eyes (artificial / intraocular lens). But surgery does not guarantee 100% recovery. There is also a surgery using a laser beam. All manner of treatment by surgery or step all depends on the ability of the patient's own economy, because the cataract eye surgery costs a considerable and costly. Patients who have committed cataract eye surgery, must use eye protection glasses replaced with plastic sunglasses after the 2-3 finish of the operation, the glasses you wear when you go to sleep. The period of treatment for post-operative recovery of the eye requires a period of 1 to 1.5 months and the shortest is 1 week. But it all depends on condition and type of cataract operations performed, of course, all it takes discipline and patience during treatment if you want to get the desired result.
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6 Benefits of Avocado Fruit












6 Benefits of Avocado Fruit


1. Healthy Eyes

The first benefit is being able to nourish the eyes. Aswas predictable, an avocado contains vitamin A. In addition tocarrots, avocado fruit is known as muchcontain vitamin A. Eat avocado as a suppliervitamin A into your body. with it your eyes will be healthier and alwayscan see things clearly.

2. Healthy Skin

Avocado could nourish the skin. This is because of an avocadocontains vitamin E which is known both for the skin.By eating an avocado every day in the morning and evening,then your skin will look always looks fresh, younger and moretight. Moreover avocado can also reduce wrinkles on the skinyou. In addition you can also use the consumption of avocadoas a leather mask. The trick with a polished first,and rub on the skin and let sit for 10-15 minutes. So your skinwill change much faster, younger and healthier naturally.

3. Lowering Cholesterol Levels In Blood

Besides having a variety of vitamins as described above, the fruitAvocado also contains lots of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fattyknown to be very beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels inblood. Besides, unsaturated fats have also avocadocontain anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Thus avocadocan prevent stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer.


4. Reducing Depression

Eating avocado can reduce depression that you suffer.This is because the content of potassium or potassium in the fruitavocado. Potassium has been shown to reduce depressionsuffered by humans. In addition, potassium is also known toreduce the deposition of fluid in the body so thatcan lower blood pressure.

5. Preventing Disease Anemia (Blood deficiency)

Avocados can prevent anemia or blood deficiencybecause a lot of iron and copper. Both substances are highlyneeded by the body to help smooth the process of regenerationblood. Because the regeneration of blood to be smooth, then the body is notbe deprived of blood and you also avoid anemia.

6. Capable of capturing free radicals in the body

The last benefit is being able to capture the free radicals arein the body. Free radicals in the body can causereduced fitness of your body so you can easilyaffected by the disease. Even worse, free radicals are present inthe body can trigger the development of tumors. By consumingavocado, then the harmful free radicals that can inremove from the body.

 Benefits of Avocado Fruits for Health has been proven and has beenrecognized by health experts. By eating avocadoregularly every day, then you reduce the risk of disease.If you are tired of taking it as a fruit juice, you cantry to make a pudding avocado or avocado ice cream.Many ways you can use to consume avocadorich in nutrients. Keep your body maintain a healthy body.
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Selasa, 05 Juni 2012



  •     in medical language is called Epistaxis is a very common symptom in children, however many parents are frightened and confused when her son was found to nosebleeds. Bleeding itself is not a disease but a symptom of a disease, it means that nosebleeds may occur because of various reasons from mild to severe.

A nosebleed is bleeding from the nose symptoms that may occur due to local causes abnormalities in the nasal cavity or because of abnormalities that occur in other places of the body. The disorder can be a local trauma such as nose, drop, shock, foreign body in the nose, and irritation that stimulates gas.

For other locales is infection of the nose and surrounding organs, tumors both benign and malignant, sudden environmental changes such as sudden changes in atmospheric pressure on the pilots and divers, foreign objects into the nose without permission, and other causes not yet known sure.

While abnormalities in other parts of the body which can cause nosebleeds, among others, the heart and blood vessel disease such as high blood pressure and blood vessel disorders, blood disorders such as lower levels of platelets, blood clotting disorders, leukemia. Other disorders that cause bleeding that is, the infection throughout the body such as dengue fever, hormonal disorders and congenital abnormalities.

Indeed the cause of bleeding as described above are many and complex, both of which are the cause of the mild (not requiring further treatment) and that is the cause of severe alias should get special treatment. Thus it is necessary for a thorough examination in patients with nosebleeds to be treated carefully and appropriately.

There are three principles, namely the handling of nosebleed stop bleeding, prevent complications and prevent the recurrence of bleeding. For mild bleeding, stop the bleeding can be done by pressing both nostrils to the middle for a few minutes. For severe bleeding and stop the bleeding by pressing the nostrils fails then the patient needs to be taken to the doctor for further treatment.

A frequent complication in patients with shock and bleeding is anemia. Both of these complications occur due to bleeding that many are not insurmountable or too late to get treatment. Another complication is the decline in blood pressure due to a lot of blood loss.Do not worry, experts say 90 percent of nosebleeds will stop itself immediately, while 10 percent require special measures. Origin is not too late to get treatment so that serious complications do not occur.
Here are some ways to prevent nosebleeds: 

1. Stay away from smoke cigarettes because it can cause dry nasal passages and bleeding
2. use handkerchief while cleaning up runny nose or itchy, especially when 
3. don't make digging nose picking habit 
4. wear conditioned space should not be too cold, adjust the room temperature is around 23-26 Deg. C
Nosebleeds can be resolved or terminated by the use of betel leaf (piper betle lynn). Styptic content contained in the betel leaf could hold his nose bleeding.The way you maintain the betel leaf is by rolling a piece of betel leaf and betel leaf was put into the nose to clog the blood coming out.
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