Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

6 Benefits of Avocado Fruit












6 Benefits of Avocado Fruit


1. Healthy Eyes

The first benefit is being able to nourish the eyes. Aswas predictable, an avocado contains vitamin A. In addition tocarrots, avocado fruit is known as muchcontain vitamin A. Eat avocado as a suppliervitamin A into your body. with it your eyes will be healthier and alwayscan see things clearly.

2. Healthy Skin

Avocado could nourish the skin. This is because of an avocadocontains vitamin E which is known both for the skin.By eating an avocado every day in the morning and evening,then your skin will look always looks fresh, younger and moretight. Moreover avocado can also reduce wrinkles on the skinyou. In addition you can also use the consumption of avocadoas a leather mask. The trick with a polished first,and rub on the skin and let sit for 10-15 minutes. So your skinwill change much faster, younger and healthier naturally.

3. Lowering Cholesterol Levels In Blood

Besides having a variety of vitamins as described above, the fruitAvocado also contains lots of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fattyknown to be very beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels inblood. Besides, unsaturated fats have also avocadocontain anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Thus avocadocan prevent stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer.


4. Reducing Depression

Eating avocado can reduce depression that you suffer.This is because the content of potassium or potassium in the fruitavocado. Potassium has been shown to reduce depressionsuffered by humans. In addition, potassium is also known toreduce the deposition of fluid in the body so thatcan lower blood pressure.

5. Preventing Disease Anemia (Blood deficiency)

Avocados can prevent anemia or blood deficiencybecause a lot of iron and copper. Both substances are highlyneeded by the body to help smooth the process of regenerationblood. Because the regeneration of blood to be smooth, then the body is notbe deprived of blood and you also avoid anemia.

6. Capable of capturing free radicals in the body

The last benefit is being able to capture the free radicals arein the body. Free radicals in the body can causereduced fitness of your body so you can easilyaffected by the disease. Even worse, free radicals are present inthe body can trigger the development of tumors. By consumingavocado, then the harmful free radicals that can inremove from the body.

 Benefits of Avocado Fruits for Health has been proven and has beenrecognized by health experts. By eating avocadoregularly every day, then you reduce the risk of disease.If you are tired of taking it as a fruit juice, you cantry to make a pudding avocado or avocado ice cream.Many ways you can use to consume avocadorich in nutrients. Keep your body maintain a healthy body.

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