Selasa, 17 Juli 2012


Barotrauma is damage to the inner ear caused by the air pressure is not with him in the eardrum. Eardrum separates the ear canal and inner ear. If the air pressure in the ear canal from outside air and the air pressure in the inner ear lame, could eardrum injury. Normally, the eustachian tube (the tube that connects the inner ear and the back of the nose) helps maintain the pressure balance in the eardrum to the outside air flowing into the inner ear.
If the outside air pressure change abruptly for example, during the climb or fly or dive off the boat in the sea air to move through the eustachian tube to equalize pressure in the inner ear. If the eustachian tube partially or completely blocked due to injuries, tumors, infections, colds, or allergies, can not move air into and out of the inner ear. The pressure difference can make the eardrum bruised or even broken and bloody.
In the ear, eustachian channel will help maintain the balance of air pressure from both sides of the drum of the ear, with air entering from the outside to the middle ear. When the channels are clogged eustachian, for example due to colds, allergies or infection, so no air can enter and cause injury to the ear drum. Trauma to the ear can cause ear pain, a sense of ringing, hearing impaired, even vertigo, and feelings of spinning.
Precautions can be done in order not to experience barotrauma.

 At the time the plane will take off, where the pressure is decreased, can be tried to open his mouth, chewing or swallowing. It can open the eustachian channel so that the air out of the middle ear. When air pressure increases, such as the plane will land, can be performed Valsalva technique, ie by closing your mouth and nose and at the same time and try to remove the air through the nose. With this technique, air is trapped in the eustachian channels will be forced out. For infants, should be fitted with ear plugs (earplugs) so that the pressure in the ear can terjaga.Bagi flu patients, infections or allergies of the nose and throat should avoid traveling by plane. However, when it should fly, decongestants such as Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine can be used to relieve nasal congestion and help open the eustachian channel. However, for those who would dive, you should put off when she was suffering from flu, infections or allergies of the nose and throat

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