Selasa, 05 Juni 2012



  •     in medical language is called Epistaxis is a very common symptom in children, however many parents are frightened and confused when her son was found to nosebleeds. Bleeding itself is not a disease but a symptom of a disease, it means that nosebleeds may occur because of various reasons from mild to severe.

A nosebleed is bleeding from the nose symptoms that may occur due to local causes abnormalities in the nasal cavity or because of abnormalities that occur in other places of the body. The disorder can be a local trauma such as nose, drop, shock, foreign body in the nose, and irritation that stimulates gas.

For other locales is infection of the nose and surrounding organs, tumors both benign and malignant, sudden environmental changes such as sudden changes in atmospheric pressure on the pilots and divers, foreign objects into the nose without permission, and other causes not yet known sure.

While abnormalities in other parts of the body which can cause nosebleeds, among others, the heart and blood vessel disease such as high blood pressure and blood vessel disorders, blood disorders such as lower levels of platelets, blood clotting disorders, leukemia. Other disorders that cause bleeding that is, the infection throughout the body such as dengue fever, hormonal disorders and congenital abnormalities.

Indeed the cause of bleeding as described above are many and complex, both of which are the cause of the mild (not requiring further treatment) and that is the cause of severe alias should get special treatment. Thus it is necessary for a thorough examination in patients with nosebleeds to be treated carefully and appropriately.

There are three principles, namely the handling of nosebleed stop bleeding, prevent complications and prevent the recurrence of bleeding. For mild bleeding, stop the bleeding can be done by pressing both nostrils to the middle for a few minutes. For severe bleeding and stop the bleeding by pressing the nostrils fails then the patient needs to be taken to the doctor for further treatment.

A frequent complication in patients with shock and bleeding is anemia. Both of these complications occur due to bleeding that many are not insurmountable or too late to get treatment. Another complication is the decline in blood pressure due to a lot of blood loss.Do not worry, experts say 90 percent of nosebleeds will stop itself immediately, while 10 percent require special measures. Origin is not too late to get treatment so that serious complications do not occur.
Here are some ways to prevent nosebleeds: 

1. Stay away from smoke cigarettes because it can cause dry nasal passages and bleeding
2. use handkerchief while cleaning up runny nose or itchy, especially when 
3. don't make digging nose picking habit 
4. wear conditioned space should not be too cold, adjust the room temperature is around 23-26 Deg. C
Nosebleeds can be resolved or terminated by the use of betel leaf (piper betle lynn). Styptic content contained in the betel leaf could hold his nose bleeding.The way you maintain the betel leaf is by rolling a piece of betel leaf and betel leaf was put into the nose to clog the blood coming out.

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