Selasa, 17 Juli 2012


Barotrauma is damage to the inner ear caused by the air pressure is not with him in the eardrum. Eardrum separates the ear canal and inner ear. If the air pressure in the ear canal from outside air and the air pressure in the inner ear lame, could eardrum injury. Normally, the eustachian tube (the tube that connects the inner ear and the back of the nose) helps maintain the pressure balance in the eardrum to the outside air flowing into the inner ear.
If the outside air pressure change abruptly for example, during the climb or fly or dive off the boat in the sea air to move through the eustachian tube to equalize pressure in the inner ear. If the eustachian tube partially or completely blocked due to injuries, tumors, infections, colds, or allergies, can not move air into and out of the inner ear. The pressure difference can make the eardrum bruised or even broken and bloody.
In the ear, eustachian channel will help maintain the balance of air pressure from both sides of the drum of the ear, with air entering from the outside to the middle ear. When the channels are clogged eustachian, for example due to colds, allergies or infection, so no air can enter and cause injury to the ear drum. Trauma to the ear can cause ear pain, a sense of ringing, hearing impaired, even vertigo, and feelings of spinning.
Precautions can be done in order not to experience barotrauma.

 At the time the plane will take off, where the pressure is decreased, can be tried to open his mouth, chewing or swallowing. It can open the eustachian channel so that the air out of the middle ear. When air pressure increases, such as the plane will land, can be performed Valsalva technique, ie by closing your mouth and nose and at the same time and try to remove the air through the nose. With this technique, air is trapped in the eustachian channels will be forced out. For infants, should be fitted with ear plugs (earplugs) so that the pressure in the ear can terjaga.Bagi flu patients, infections or allergies of the nose and throat should avoid traveling by plane. However, when it should fly, decongestants such as Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine can be used to relieve nasal congestion and help open the eustachian channel. However, for those who would dive, you should put off when she was suffering from flu, infections or allergies of the nose and throat
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Jumat, 13 Juli 2012


is a disorder in which the skin pores are clogged and cause an inflamed sac of pus. Grow up into small red bumps or lumps on the face of an equally-large if it is very severe.

 Acne is also sometimes not only arise in the face but also in other parts of the body such as: head, abdomen, back, chest dll.yang mostly attacked the teens and young adults.  

Sufferers often feel uncomfortable and lack confidence, especially in the weaker hawa.acne is not a disorder that is fatal, but the impact would be very disruptive patients, in addition to reducing the beauty of the face, acne is not treated properly will leave some other skin disorders that can arise such as scars (scar tissue; resemble the exposed skin cuts), macular hyperpigmentation (skin color abnormalities become more black on acne scars or dark spots).Symptoms and signs of acne1. Without the presence of inflammation

  •  Blackheads: the form of black spots occur in skin That, due to air oxidation process for the production of pilosebaceous glands.
  •  Milia: the form of white spots occur in skin That, due to the pilosebaceous gland duct obstruction (no air on the production of pilosebaceous glands), Often called a closed comedo.
2. With of inflammation (painful when touched and Redness)
  • Papules: the lightest type of inflammation, in the form of small spots rather prominent on the surface of the skin.
  • Pustules: the form of small spots like papules but with pus in these spots. Looks red in the presence of yellow or white in the middle, the which is pus.
  •  Nodules or cysts: papules, nodules are large, very painful. Result if the contents of the blackhead spread to surrounding skin and triggers the immune system eventually That Could Produce pussy. For severe conditions, abnormalities in acne can persist for weeks or even months, to the which can eventually form a cyst Harden under the skin surface. Both nodules and cysts Often cause deep scarring.
  • Konglobata Acne: Acne is a disorder is rare but serious form of pustules and nodules Caused by a severe bacterial infection.

Virtually anything that affects the onset of acne / pimples?
1. Fat diet, may facilitate the onset of acne
2. Humidity and high temperatures affect the production of sebum / oil.
3. Cleanliness facilitate the emergence of bad acne.
4. Infection, the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes plays a role in inflammatory processes and facilitate the occurrence of acne.
5. That the use of cosmetics are lead to blackheads can cause acne.
6. If a person faces difficulty sleeping or strenuous work, then the acne will Arise.
7. If a person has a hormone That tends to be much like the hormone androgen, the acne is more easily Arise.

Acne can be a sign of puberty in which the period when a child is experiencing physical changes, psychological, sexual function and maturation

How To Prevent Acne:Routine cleansingOne cause of acne is due to dirt on the face. Wash your face with a suitable foaming or cleansing using a milk cleanser and toner.Drink 8 glasses of water a dayConsuming water 8 glasses of water a day or drinking enough water can help the body remove toxins and useless in the body, including bacteria that can cause acne from the inside. Use the mask natural acne preventionBy using natural mask like honey or lemon. This can help eliminate bacteria and oils that stick in the face.Reduce excessive use of cosmeticsUse only a mild cosmetic for everyday and Choose cosmetics that are water-based rather than oil-based cosmetics. Do not squeeze pimplesTry to squeeze pimples growing meghindari even the slightest, because in addition to the hand that is not sterile will unwittingly increase the number of bacteria on facial acne but also at the existing layers squeeze pimples under the skin can become damaged and cause the oil to spread to other parts of the face.
Traditional Acne medication:

  •  Betel leaf (Piper betle) effective to kill bacteria that cause acne so it can be used to wash the face. Boil only a few pieces of betel leaf to the boil then in basuhkan while lukewarm.
  •  Lime (Citrus aurantium) is applied to the face at night before bed and was cleaned in the morning, this could be the solution for treating acne.
  •  Collision Leaves Guava also serves to treat acne and smooth the skin. Apply on face and leave in a few minutes. Just as the use of masks.
  •  The next alternative is a mature papaya in pulverized and mixed with a little water until a thick dough you can use as a mask to treat and eradicate acne.
  •  Fruit is ripe tomato in two or three sides, and then directly used to scrub your facial acne. undoubtedly will again face glow.

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Kamis, 12 Juli 2012


is an inflammation of the bronchi (airways into the lungs). The disease is usually mild and will eventually recover completely. Bronchitis usually occurs because of an infection such as strep throat, measles, and whooping cough. The disease is caused by viruses and bacteria.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which is the tube that carries oxygen to the lungs and removing carbon dioxide as the rest of the oxidation. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic.
In general, acute bronchitis is often caused by colds or other respiratory tract infections. While chronic bronchitis is more severe condition, which is an irritation or inflammation of the bronchi. Smoking is one of the main causes.Acute bronchitis usually improves within a few days although the effect is still visible, marked with a cough for several weeks. But if after that you again have bronchitis, it means you suffer from chronic bronchitis and you certainly need medical care. Chronic bronchitis is one of the conditions included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). and focused treatment to relieve symptoms of bronchitis and respiratory sufferers relaunch.
Recurrent bronchitis attacks can occur in smokers and people with lung disease and chronic respiratory tract. Recurrent infections can result from chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, allergic, and enlarged tonsils in children.
There are two types of bronchitis, the acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is characterized by yellowish productive cough and fever. Acute bronchitis is usually also on other parts of the lung.While chronic bronchitis is characterized by long cough, phlegm much, and mainly occur during sleep or in the morning. The disease is usually preceded by upper respiratory tract infections.There is also another type of bronchitis, the bronchitis can be caused by various kinds of irritating dust, fumes from strong acids, ammonia, some organic solvents, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide is commonly terapat on forest fire smoke. These diseases also result from air pollution and tobacco and cigarettes.
Symptoms of bronchitis in the beginning was to cough without phlegm that would turn into phlegm within a few days later. Coughing up phlegm is white initially and may turn yellow to greenish sometimes accompanied by fever when caused by bacteria.
The diagnosis is made in addition to views of the symptoms, as well as through physical examination, chest X-rays for, generally within normal limits or there is a picture of increasing corakan bronkovaskular. Treatment is with antibiotics and other symptomatic drugs.Meanwhile, when caused by a virus, the disease will cure itself when a lot of rest and eat a bergizi.Untuk smokers advised to quit smoking because tobacco smoke can be a trigger for an attack of bronchitis.
Bronchitis is different from Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease is chronic and infectious disease with symptoms of cough for more than 2 weeks is not very high fever, night sweats and weight loss there.Diagnosis of tuberculosis is established through sputum examination by the discovery of TB germs or chest X-rays. TB treatment is also different with bronchitis because it takes a longer time is 6 months.
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